Doorway to Meditation Eight-Week Course
Meditation describes numerous techniques that have been practiced by humans over the millennium, including mindfulness practices, guided visualisations, placing awareness and objects inside of the body, breathing in certain ways and focussing on objects or mantras. All meditation processes, strengthen our ability to concentrate, they shift brain activity and over time strengthen networks that have been found to be beneficial for human relations.
This embodied meditation course is a therapeutic programme that imparts skills to promote physiological balance, mental stability and re-connection to self. The course has been curated to offer a gradual pathway for those who are at the beginning stages of a meditation journey and for those who wish to participate in a group dynamic that supports healing through meditation and conscious facilitation.
Who is it for
It will be beneficial for people with busy lives, experience stress or anxiety and those who know depression; also, for those who are on a recovery journey.
The course is suitable as preparation and/or aftercare program or people who have undergone psychedelic assisted therapy and valuable to those who are looking to integrate ceremonial experiences.
It would also prove useful to people who work as therapists or have done a 200-hour yoga teacher training.
The layout of the course
– There are eight * two hour weekly sessions held on Zoom.
– Each week is themed, the meditations and the group work support the theme.
– A private Facebook group will be opened for the group to share their – experiences and explore between themselves.
– All meditations will be recorded in speaker view; the group will have excusive lifelong access to the videos.
– Informative handouts will be given for each week.
How it works
Each session begins and ends with grounding practices, towards the end of the course you are invited to begin and end in your own intuitive way.
The Themes
- Grounding and connection
- Making a relationship with ourselves
- Developing steadiness
- Regulating and remembering
- Inviting equilibrium
- Re-programming the systems
- Being with and letting go
- Recognising the meditative heart
Investment for this course is £140.
To hold your place we ask for a £70 deposit.
Details of our booking policies can be found here.
The dates have been purposely set to enable the group to see the end of this year and welcome the beginning of next year.
The sessions are on Monday evening 6-8pm
From 23rd of November 2020 through to the 11th of January 2021.
Want to learn to teach this course?
This 8-week course is part of the Meditation and Facilitation for Modern-day Humans 100-hour teacher training programme. Anyone who wishes to undertake this training should first experience this Doorway to Meditation course.
It felt like a mystical gathering. I loved it and would definitely recommend it.

“The road out of addiction can be long and fraught with pitfalls. Yet, we can interrupt our patterns and find our way back to self authority.”
Shaura is able to support each individual with respect for where they are in their life journey. Patiently encouraging us to find answers to our own questions, she gently drawing us out of our comfort zones, in order to observe and move beyond our own conditioning. The way in which she holds space within the group allows us to amplify our learning from that which is reflected by others, fostering an acceptance of ourselves and the other as part of a greater whole.